Stormwater Tank Cleaning Services

Stormwater Tank Cleaning

MRMS > Stormwater Attenuation Tank Cleaning

We provide planned and reactive stormwater attenuation tank, or storm tank, cleaning services to ensure the continuous and efficient flow of drainage and sewer networks. Our dedicated team specialise in working with a range of vehicles and equipment that allow us to clean any storm tank. This includes high-pressure washers, vacuum suction tank vehicles and radio-controlled dozers for harder-to-clean areas.

What are Stormwater Attenuation Tanks?

A stormwater attenuation tank is an engineered solution designed to manage and control the flow of stormwater runoff, particularly in urban areas. These tanks temporarily store excess rainwater during periods of heavy rainfall and gradually release it at a controlled rate, mitigating the risk of flooding and reducing the pressure on sewer systems. As such, they can function as vital components within built Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).

The water stored in storm tanks contains a large number of biological and non-biological contaminants. As the water may be stored for several days, considerable sediment will be left behind. Due to the presence of biologically active contaminants, there is a potential for foul-smelling and toxic residues to form due to bacterial action. Not only do these residues represent health and safety/pollution concerns if left uncleaned, they will eventually impede the effective operation of the storm tank.

Advantages of Maintaining Stormwater Attenuation Tanks

Enhanced Performance: Well-maintained tanks operate at optimal capacity, reducing the risk of overflow and flooding during heavy rainfall events.
Consistent Outflow Control: Regular maintenance ensures that flow control devices function correctly, maintaining the designed discharge rate and preventing downstream flooding.
Pollutant Removal: Routine cleaning removes accumulated sediments, debris, and pollutants, preventing contamination of receiving water bodies.
Ecosystem Protection: By ensuring the tank operates effectively, maintenance helps protect aquatic ecosystems from polluted stormwater discharges.
Preventative Measures: Inspections and maintenance can identify and address structural issues early, preventing costly repairs or tank failure.
Extended Lifespan: Proper care and maintenance extend the service life of the tank, providing a better return on investment.

Our Stormwater Attenuation Tank Cleaning Services

In their role as a significant component of the drainage network, stormwater attenuation tanks provide protection against flooding, water quality improvements and overall environmental protection. As such, regular maintenance is crucial for their effective operation. Storm tanks come in a variety of styles and each will have its own requirements when it comes to cleaning. Many are open concrete “pools”, and below we show our cleaning service using this type as a real-world example.

A Stormwater Attenuation Tank before it's cleaned, contaminated with thick sediment and general detritus.

01 We inspect the tank for any issues before cleaning, and prepare the equipment.

A radio-controlled “RoboDozer” is deployed to force the sediment off the tank’s floor, pushing it towards a collection point

02 A radio-controlled “RoboDozer” is deployed to force the sediment off the tank’s floor, pushing it towards a collection point.

Our engineers use the hose of the Vaccum Tanker to suck the collected sediment away from the storm tank

03 Our engineers use the hose of the Vaccum Tanker to suck the collected sediment away from the storm tank.

StormDrain 2up box 04

04 With the sediment removed, the tank surfaces are given a wash down with a jetter to leave it cleaned and ready for the next storm event.

Maintaining stormwater attenuation tanks is essential for ensuring their functionality, protecting the environment, and safeguarding public health and property. Regular maintenance is a cost-effective strategy that delivers long-term benefits for both the infrastructure and the community.

Contact us today for more information about our planned and reactive wastewater services:

  • Storm Tank Cleaning
  • Wet Well & Pump Station Services 
  • Lagoon Management
  • Culvert Cleaning
  • Septic Tank & Treatment Plant Services
  • Sustainable Drainage Schemes (SuDS)

  01274 050137

  07930851116 (24 Hours)

Unit 6 & 8 Commondale Way, Euroway Industrial Estate, Bradford, BD4 6SF



Working with MRMS

We guarantee the highest quality of service and safety at all times.

  • Years of Experience
  • Highly Skilled Specialists
  • Fast Response Times
  • Latest Technologies & Equipment
  • Efficient and Cost Effective Solutions
  • Full Regulatory Compliance
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